ST0490 Teacher L6 Standard Consultation: Teacher Degree Apprenticeship

ASCL response to the DfE's Teacher Degree Apprenticeship consultation. 
ASCL is supportive of apprenticeships as a route into teaching, though we are of the view this will only be the right route for a small number of employers because there are only very marginal gains to be had for them.

Our priority is that there is a parity of expectations between the apprenticeship route and other routes into teaching and are supportive of the use of the teacher standards in setting out what is needed to satisfy competence at the end of the apprenticeship.

It is important that there is subject knowledge parity. We recognise, however, that there are some issues to unpick here given the variety of first degrees in any one subject that are currently used as a route in to teaching.

Getting this right will be crucial to the success of the programme. In order for schools to be able to plan their staffing structures and make room for these roles, there needs to be clarity on their terms and conditions.

Full response to consultation