Get Involved

From The ASCL Associates Committee to the ASCL Associates Voluntary Service, there are lots of ways to be involved in the ASCL Associates.

ASCL Associates Committee

The ASCL Associates Committee is a representative body of ASCL Associate membership. The Committee currently includes Associate members who were previously headteachers, deputy heads and school business managers and includes representation from those who worked in the independent education sector as well as state funded schools and colleges. All ASCL Associate members can stand for a place the committee and elections are held every year for three places.

ASCL Associates Voluntary Service

ASCL Associates can register to be part of the ASCL Associates Voluntary Service (AAVS). This little known service can be a lifeline, both for members working in schools and colleges as well as other Associate members. AAVS volunteers can be called upon to support members who may need personal support or a listening ear.

ASCL Benevolent Fund

While most members, active and in post, are unlikely to need help, a serious accident, redundancy, chronic illness or disability can change the situation traumatically. Whether it is a short-term financial crisis or a long-term problem, ABF is available to help. Last year, ABF assisted over 40 beneficiaries, some of whom were long-term cases and others short-term emergencies.

ASCL Benevolent Fund
