Benefits for ASCL Associate Members

As well as staying involved in the world of education leadership, ASCL Associate members also benefit from:

Transfer to Associate Membership

Continue to be part of our great community when you retire from a school or college leadership role with ASCL Associate membership.

On retiring from school or college leadership roles, many ASCL members transfer their membership to ASCL Associates.

ASCL Associate membership offers the perfect way to remain connected to and informed about education leadership. It also provides new opportunities to build your community and to get involved in supporting serving school and college leaders.

For just £60 per year, ASCL Associate membership means that you can continue to receive ASCL publications such as Leader magazine, email news updates and access to website resources. ASCL Associate Life Membership is available for £456.

Plus you'll find that Associate Membership comes with additional benefits and new opportunities through the exclusive magazine, Associates News, social activities, the ASCL Associates Committee, volunteering and chairing our popular planning for retirement events.

Members working in a consultancy capacity post-retirement may wish to opt for Professional Associate membership.

If you wish to become an ASCL Associate please go to Transfer to Associate Membership or contact

Meet the Associates

Meet the Associates

"In 1970 I was elected to the Headmasters' Association, one of ASCL's predecessors. I was a headteacher in the Independent schools sector both in the UK and overseas.

When I was required to retire at the age of 60, I was anxious to continue to have a means of being associated with colleagues so I became an Associate member of ASCL.

Having spent a quarter of a century as a head, I wanted to keep abreast of educational developments and to continue to serve the community.

Associate membership has been particularly valuable to me because post-retirement I have been asked to speak about education at various clubs, societies etc and continuing to be a member I have been kept informed. I also spend a number of years as a Chair at a very large FE College and as an AQA arbitrator where an up to date knowledge of education was very important.

I've taken on various roles with ASCL Associates including being a member of the Associates Committee for a number of years. I am also a trustee of the ASCL Benevolent Fund which has a crucial role in supporting members including serviing school and college leaders.

I have also organised Associates Reunion events and contibute articles to the Associates News magazine.

Being an Associate member has helped me in my post-school life because having lived in Heads' houses for 25 years, it has helped me to adjust to a different lifestyle and also allowed me to keep a wide and happy association with the community."

Philip F Johnston

Continue to be part of our great community when you retire from a school or college leadership role with ASCL Associate membership

On retiring from school or college leadership roles, many ASCL members transfer their membership to ASCL Associates.

ASCL Associate membership offers the perfect way to remain connected to and informed about education leadership. It also provides new opportunities to build your community and to get involved in supporting serving school and college leaders.

For just £48 per year, ASCL Associate membership means that you can continue to receive ASCL publications such as Leader magazine, email news updates and access to website resources.

Plus you'll find that Associate Membership comes with additional benefits and new opportunities through the exclusive magazine, Associates News, social activities, the ASCL Associates Committee, volunteering and chairing our popular planning for retirement events.

Members working in a consultancy capacity post-retirement may wish to opt for Professional Associate membership.

If you wish to become an ASCL Associate please go to Transfer to Associate Membership or contact
