Surviving and Thriving: New to headship development programme

Programme available from October - July
Suitable for leaders in the early stages of running a school in all phases of education. 

Following on from the successful Conference for New Headteachers run by ASCL over the past few years, ASCL is now offering a complete support programme of coaching for leaders in their early years of headship. Learning and reflecting at the start of headship in a structured programme is an excellent investment.

In the context of stepping up and running a school the important behaviours of 'being a head' are: being pro-active, connecting, learning, and prioritising. This programme will be online, interactive and give the opportunity learn through workshops, ask questions, talk and share experiences in a safe group environment. The programme will offer a group of leaders the chance to make connections with other colleagues. There is also a wonderful opportunity to be coached on a personal level.

Working with an ASCL consultant, the training programme constitutes the following components:
  • Two podcasts during August “Getting ready to Be a Head”
  • Two individual online coaching sessions (30 minutes per session)
  • Four topic-based workshops (3 online and one face to face). These will enable group discussion and allow time for reflection (90 minutes per session). Twilight time and delegates must make every effort to participate in all sessions
    • Personal leadership competencies
    • Being a resilient leader and developing a resilient team
    • Setting out a strategic, resourced and financed plan
    • Building a Legacy: reflecting on your ambitions for  the future
Dates (provisional): 
  • Wednesday 9 October 2024 - 16.00 - 17.30
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024 - 16.00 - 17.30
  • Monday 3 March 2025 - 16.00 - 17.30
  • July (date TBC) in person workshop at ASCL HQ - 10.00 - 16.00
See the tab below for workshop topics, provisional dates and a workshop example.

In summary
  • To develop the competencies of headship
  • To share ideas in a safe group environment
  • To explore how a systems and collective approach will strengthen individual and team resilience and allow you to take steps to master stress, adapt to change and be proactive so that you can thrive
Programme leader details are provided in the tab below. 

To find out more call 0116 2991122 or email us

To make a booking please complete the form below.

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ASCL Professional Development would like your permission to share your contact information and details of the CPD that you attend with ASCL. This will enable ASCL to keep your CPD record up-to-date and provide you with information about school leadership and the professional support that ASCL provides. Please indicate if we have your permission to do this:

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Workshop topics and provisional dates
Four online topic-based workshops. These will enable group discussion and allow time for reflection (90 minutes per session). The sessions will be a mixture of new learning but always with a focus on personal skills and competencies. Twilight time, 4-5.30pm and delegates must make every effort to participate in all sessions

  • Wednesday 9 October 2024: Personal leadership competencies,  Being a resilient leader and developing a resilient team
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024: Setting out a strategic, resourced and financed plan
  • Monday 3 March 2025: Building a Legacy: reflecting on your ambitions for  the future
  •  A fourth face to face session in June/July - date to be decided by the group delegates 
Outline of a workshop:
  • Group chat about an individual area of development (15 mins)
  • Discussion based on the main session theme with reflection on how to develop (45 mins)
  • Group work on Action Learning (Share a personal highlight or concern and discuss a solution) (30 mins)
This outline is provisional and will be directed by the group’s needs.

Access to online workshops and coaching sessions: £500+VAT
Discounted rate available for delegates who attended our Conference for New Headteachers in Summer 2023 or 2024: £450+VAT

Steve Playford
Leadership and Wellbeing consultant, Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, ASCL Consultant and a qualified Wellbeing Coach with the British School of Coaching.

Steve is an Accredited Trainer for the Resilience at Work (R@W) global consortium, a contributor to World Values Day and an active member of the Association for Business Psychology. During the Covid crisis Steve has delivered resilience coaching and webinars to Health Organisations. Previously a senior leader in schools across Greater Manchester for 20 years including 10 years as a headteacher.

As a leader with extensive experience of leading teams, institutions and systems Steve is passionate about growing leadership and resilience skills for individuals and organisations.

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