Planning for the Future

This dedicated service is provided by ASCL Professional Development and ASCL Member Support and is designed primarily for ASCL members who wish to receive advice and support for the next stage of their career following a significant and sudden job change.

ASCL regional and field officers may, if circumstances allow, be able to arrange funding to provide this advice and support. Alternatively, members may wish to access the service themselves using their own funds.
The support will be given by consultants who are or have been senior leaders in schools and have many years of experience.
Support, in the most part, will be given remotely but there may be occasions where a face-to-face meeting is more appropriate. The exact nature of the level and type of support will be determined on an individual basis between the member and consultant.
Please contact ASCL PD on 0116 299 1122 for further information or complete the enquiry form below.

Do we have your permission to pass your details to our consultants?:

ASCL Professional Development would like your permission to share your contact information and details of the CPD that you attend with ASCL. This will enable ASCL to keep your CPD record up-to-date and provide you with information about school leadership and the professional support that ASCL provides. Please indicate if we have your permission to do this:

ASCL Professional would like to send you information about other professional development opportunities that may be of interest to you. Please indicate if we have your permission to do this:

ASCL would like your permission to send you information relating to school and college leadership and the services and support that they provide. Please indicate if they have your permission to do this.:

ASCL would like your permission to send you information from other organisations about products and services that you may be interested in. Please note that these messages will be sent by ASCL, we never share your information with third parties. Please indicate if you give permission for ASCL to send you information from ASCL partners.:

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