Terms and Conditions

ASCL Professional Development Ltd (ASCL PD) is a training company wholly owned by the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). We organise conferences and events on behalf of the Association as well as a suite of CPD events and bespoke services. 

Any questions relating to these terms and conditions should be addressed to

All events (online and face to face) are available on a first come, first served basis. Bookings can be made online via our website (preferred) or via email.

We will confirm receipt of your booking (but please note that this does not confirm the event will go ahead). Once viable numbers have been reached, the delegate will recieve their joining instructions.

You can expect to recieve these usually around 10 days prior to a face to face event or 3 days prior for online events. If you have not recieved them by 48hrs prior to an event please contact the ASCL PD office on 0116 2991122 email

We advise that travel and accommodation arrangements are not made until joining instructions have been recieved.

Invoices will be emailed to you a few days before the event and we expect payments to be made within 14 days of the date on the invoice. The fee for the event covers attendance and accompanying materials. The fee for a face to face event also covers lunch and refreshments throughout the day. The fee for a residential event may or may not include accommodation, therefore please check your booking carefully.
Cancellations and changes to events
We reserve the right to amend the event programme where circumstances dictate.

The health and safety of all delegates, speakers, staff and other participants is our main priority. We reserve to right to make changes to the programme or event at any time to ensure compliance with the latest risk assessment and public health advice.

We reserve the right to cancel or postpone events when viable numbers are not reached and will do our best to rearrange dates wherever possible.Should an event be cancelled due to the main speaker being ill, we will rearrange the event and notify delegates.

You will be contacted as soon as possible if, for any reason, we need to cancel or postpone the event.  If you, or your organisation have already paid, we will arrange a refund or credit note.

By booking venues and speakers, we are committed to a certain level of cost and therefore need to implement a cancellation policy. By making a booking for our events either online or by email you are agreeing to accept our terms and conditions.

Cancellation fees are based upon the length of notice given and the type of event. 
All cancellations/changes must be confirmed in writing (email confirmation is accepted). Please email

ASCL Annual Conference Cancellation Charges
From confirmation of booking: £50 admininistration charge.
Within 10 weeks of conference: 25% charge.
Within 6 weeks of conference: 50% charge.
Within 4 weeks of conference: 100% charge.

If you need to change your attendance duration at Annual Conference, please let us know as soon as you can. Please be aware that changes to delegate attendance require some administration to undertake so an administration charge will be applied.

Delegate Substitutions
If the original delegate is unable to attend one of our events, a substitute delegate can attend in their place at no additional charge. Please confirm the change and details of the new delegate by email and we will update our information. Please aim to notify giving at least 48 hours notice.

For all events please note:
We are unable to transfer bookings from one event to another and this will be subject to the cancellation charges outlined.

We are not able to refund any travel or accommodation costs incurred by you (or your school/college) should arrangements be made and the event is subsequently cancelled or postponed.We advise against making travel and accommodation arrangements until you have confirmation that the event is going ahead.

We are not able to offer any refund if an individual session within a suite of sessions is cancelled by you or your school/college or not attended e.g. non-attendance at 1 out of 3 twilight sessions.
Cancellations due to Covid-19
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, our cancellation policy will temporarily alter if a delegate has to cancel due to any of the following;
  • You have proof of a positive Covid test
  • You have proof of being contacted by NHS track and trace and have been told to isolate and the event is in the isolation period
  • You have symptoms of Covid which emerge on the day of the event and you have proof that you have booked a PCR test
If any of the above apply, then please do contact ASCL PD at the earliest opportunity. We will then offer the following two options for the delegate;
  • Send a substitute delegate from the same school or Trust
  • Transfer the entire balance of the booking (without administration fee) to a future ASCL / ASCLPD event
  • Offer a full refund for the balance of the booking
Venue Admission Criteria
Please note that venues may apply entry/admission criteria which may require delegates to provide proof of Covid-19 status.

This may be proof of double vaccination status, proof of a negative test within 24 or 48 hours prior to attending, proof of immunity or medical exception. Venues may request that participants wear masks (unless a medical exception applies) and/or comply with other health and safety requests.

ASCL accepts no responsibility where a venue applies entry or other requirements and a delegate is unable or unwilling to supply the information required/comply. In this case there will be no refunds offered. We will provide booked delegates with confirmation of entry and any other specific health and safety requirements in advance of the event but by booking you accept that the venue may require you to comply with their terms of entry.

Cancellation of face to face events due to adverse weather conditions
We will endeavour to run all events as advertised and will inform you if they cannot proceed due to bad weather.

If you are unable to attend, because of bad weather, contact us as soon as possible on 0116 299 1122. If the event goes ahead as planned, we will regard non-attendance as a cancellation. If the event is cancelled by ASCL following a risk assessment due to bad weather conditions, we will organise a partial refund.

We will also endeavour to rearrange the event at a later date.
Personal use of material and Copyright statement
Individuals from schools or colleges who have attended ASCL / ASCL PD events (course, conference or consultancy) may copy documents from said events for personal, non-commercial use, including for private study or research, on the condition that ASCL / ASCL PD are credited as the source, and the copyright holder if applicable. No modifications to the material should be made.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all rights including those in copyright of the materials provided to support events (course, conference or consultancy) are owned by or controlled for these purposes by ASCL / ASCL PD. Except as otherwise expressly permitted under copyright law or our Terms & Conditions, the commercial use or publication of all or part of any item from events may not be copied, reproduced, republished, broadcast or transmitted in any way without first obtaining ASCL / ASCL PD’s written permission or that of the copyright owner.

Where permission has been explicitly granted to use material, ASCL / ASCL PD must be credited as the source, and the copyright holder if applicable. If in any doubt please contact to obtain permission to use materials.

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