
It remains the case that governing boards and trusts are not very diverse. The NGA annual survey for 2022 reports that while women make up 60% of governors, only 20% of secondary school governors are women. 6% of governors in the survey said they were from an ethnic minority background, while 3% identified as LGBTQ+ and 6% preferred not to say. 51% of governors are over 50.

The NGA points out that a diverse board reflective of (but not representing) the community served by the school can help it to make better decisions for the pupils at the school. Not only does it offer connectedness to the community and role models for pupils, but it also guards against groupthink and allows for more robust decision making. Working towards a diverse governing board demonstrates the value the school places on its diverse and inclusive culture.

ASCL is working closely with the NGA to develop training modules for governors, some of which are also useful for staff to introduce concepts and practices of equality, diversity and inclusion.