Government consultation on Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms

Consultation on proposed changes to the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage.
Summary of ASCL’s response 

What is this consultation about? 
This consultation seeks views on changes to the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (EYFS) and includes proposed reforms to the learning and development and early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP) assessment requirements. This follows the commitment from Government to improve the EYFSP, with the key objectives of improving outcomes for all children, particularly language and literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children, and reducing teacher workload. 

How did we respond? 
ASCL broadly welcome the reforms. 

Why have we taken this view? 
We believe that the early years are crucial for children’s development and for establishing the foundations for future success. All children deserve access to high quality education and the impact of early years education is critical. This is also vital in closing gaps between the disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged. ASCL supports the Government’s plans to invest heavily in early educational entitlements, as highlighted in the consultation document. 

Additionally, we support anything the Government can do to reduce teacher workload and more robustly value teachers’ professional opinions.

Full response to consultation